Since we have an empty room with no furniture, we decided to biuld a giant table that we can all sit down to eat our Thanksgiving Feast.
Quick picture before dinner of all the cousins (missing our New Jersey cousins). Holidays are so much better when we are all together.
Too many cooks in the kitchen.
Down a cook and Dad testing the gravy.
Everyone hungry trying to get all the finishing touches on dinner.
Sam did a great job on the gravy.
Henry was not much into getting his pictures taken. Too much paparazzi.
Notice the large yellow pumpkin. . . that came from our yard. Steve decided to add it to our centerpiece of pumpkins.
The plaid boys
Chelsea and Luke enjoying a moment.
Chelsea still enjoying the moment. . .
This year wishbone contenders. Hopefully the blog will be a good accounting as to whose turn it really is.
Seeing whose taller this year. Luke inches out again.
After the little ones have gone to bed, the older ones enjoying a little late night poker fun.
Aww--- what a fun Mulliner Thanksgiving! Wish we could have been there. Really missed you guys this year.