This is a little bit of a recap, but not inclusive. I imagined lazy summer days to catch up with everything. Matt has been in Vegas working at a law firm. We miss him, but glad he is working. We are busy as usual, but having a lot of fun.
Making a Captain America shield. Stevie and Marky found a metal sign and painted it like a Captain America shield.
Making a Captain America shield. Stevie and Marky found a metal sign and painted it like a Captain America shield.
Marky got his first (and hopefully) his only "Dear John" letter from Khloe. We didn't have the heart to read the note to Marky because he would be heartbroken. Though, he may still have a chance if he finds Khloe a rabbit.
Boys enjoying the scene and the food.
A visit to Dad's office. Stevie looks like he is closing a deal.
Kids looking so natural pretending to be working. Even Matt liked "Cafe G."
Chelsea, Madison, and Mo celebrating a birthday for Madison.
So grateful that Chelsea has such sweet friends.
So grateful that Chelsea has such sweet friends.
Our backyard end of May. Love spending time out there.
Marky and Steve doing some pre-dinner activities.
Chelsea and I went to see Mary Poppins.

It was fantastic. Chelsea and I were amazed at the talents of others. So grateful that the performers were able to share their talents with us.
Marky enjoying a slow morning, cuddling with Buddy.
Stevie making a quick stop by Stan's Donuts before a Boy Scout training meeting.
This sweet girl really does eat an apple a day.
Enjoying biking to Shoreline on my new bike.
Chelsea's end of year water party. Notice Scott (my adopted son) in the background.
Chelsea and Laynie anxiously waiting for the sponge to make its appearance.
Love when the sponge finally appears, Laynie is looking the other way.
Mr. Kahl so willingly controlling the water.
Chelsea trying to get Mr. Kahl's attention to get "cooled off."
These two sweet children are such good friends. Marky and Kendyll patiently attend their "umpteenth," school activity for their siblings. Next year, they finally will go to school and attend their own activities.
Quick trip to Great America. Notice Chelsea's face; I made her go on Drop Zone and she was upset. This picture was taken as they were waiting to shoot upward. I did not get the after picture when she was all smiles or the pictures of the three other times they rode it that day. Hopefully, she will learn at an early age, that mother knows best.
In honor of Matt, Marky chose the patriotic horse on the merry-go-round.
Celebrating 75th anniversary of the Golden Gate.
Enjoyed a wonderful dinner with the Livengoods and Kosts.
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