
Forced Slow Down

I had knee surgery this month (extensive tear in my meniscus, large cyst in the back of my knee, and strained ligaments).  Which is why things are a little bit slower on the blog.  I am grateful to the many people who helped me.  Sheila, Heather, Cyndi, and Alice provided our family with delicious food.  It was such a relief to not worry about dinners.  Tracy, Melissa, Matt, Kim for helping me with Marky.  Angela for giving me some great reading material.  Stacee and my parents for driving. Our family is truly blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives.

  I wanted to take photos that showed my "nest" on the sofa, but that would not be so flattering.  I lived downstairs on the couch for 4 days.  Stevie thought it was an early Christmas present,  since I could not go upstairs,  he didn't need to clean his room.  

  I thought this picture of Steve doing the "housework" summed up the experience.

Hmmmm, I wonder what Steve is thinking as he is unloading the dishwasher (he could have had the kids do it since it is their job).  Maybe he was enjoying the task so much. 

I used the crutches for two days.  They caused my arms to hurt more than my knee.  I abandoned the crutches for hobbling around the house.  I am now almost two weeks out from surgery and able to move quickly.  Still in pain at times, but doing my PT exercises and icing.  Sometimes a "forced slow down" comes at the right time.  I enjoyed reading to Marky and not thinking about what I needed to do next, listening to the kids without hurrying them or moving too fast through my day.  I will say, I can't wait to really start exercising again!  In all my "free" time, I found a new workout and diet routine. 

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